
Perflusan Workshop 2024

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Advance notice:

Venue: Albert Schweitzer Hall, Karlsruhe

The PerFluSan innovation network was founded in 2018 to promote innovative remediation methods for soil and water contaminated with perfluorinated and polyfluorinated alkyl substances (PFAS). After the network's first workshop in 2019 and the 2020/21 pandemic, the network became somewhat quieter for personnel reasons in network management. Since the end of 2023, Wismar University of Applied Sciences, Prof Birke, and ICP Ingenieurgesellschaft, Prof Egloffstein, have joined forces to continue the network. In order to bring PerFluSan back into the awareness of the specialist public, but essentially to carry out a status assessment of the PFAS problem, the 2nd workshop on PFAS problems was organised along the lines of the 1st workshop as part of the Karlsruhe Contaminated Sites Seminar.

In line with the concept of the Karlsruhe Contaminated Sites Seminar, we have put together a comprehensive programme of lectures to address current topics and provide an overview of the current status of PFAS processing, as well as to highlight new developments, tendencies and trends.

The lecture programme begins with an introductory lecture by the Federal Environment Agency on the UBA working aid on remediation management for local and extensive PFAS contamination.

Two contributions from TZW in Karlsruhe and BAM in Berlin deal with the detection, quantification and the possibilities and difficulties of PFAS removal from water.

An experienced remediation company provides information on the current status of PFAS remediation processes for both the unsaturated and saturated zones.

The dimensions and challenges of PFAS treatment on federal properties will be presented by the responsible federal control centre for soil and groundwater protection in Hanover.

The participants from the association of several participating organisations report on the BMBF joint research project on the on-site remediation of PFAS-containing soils and groundwater.

The subsequent use of the former Berlin Tegel Airport and the PFAS contaminated site situation is the subject of Tegel Projekt GmbH, Berlin TXL The Urban Tech Republic.

The Bavarian State Office for the Environment provides information on the new Bavarian assessment guidelines on PFAS and the current PFAS situation in Bavaria. The Austrian Federal Environment Agency presents the Austrian PFAS strategy, reports on initial experiences and provides an outlook on future regulations.

International experience and innovative PFAS management in Germany, PFAS source differentiation and individual assessments of multi-substance pollution as well as the proportionality of remediation are the topics of an internationally active engineering company.

The event will conclude with a presentation by an internationally active engineering company on the immobilisation of PFAS-contaminated soils with various active substances in Germany and the USA.

Download programme and information

One-day lecture seminar

Participation fee PerFluSan Workshop:

Participants from authorities, universities:EURO 120,00,- (plus VAT)
AkGWS and BU members:EURO 160,00- (plus VAT)
Participants from companies, engineering offices:EURO 190,00- (plus VAT)

Our combination tickets for participation in the accompanying Contaminated sites seminar (only on site participation):

Participants from authorities, universities:EURO 330,00,- (plus VAT)
AkGWS and BU members:EURO 450,00- (plus VAT)
Participants from companies, engineering offices:EURO 520,00- (plus VAT)
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