Publications in various journals, articles or similar
- Article Dipl.- Ing. Gerd Burkhardt
- Article Prof. Dr. Th. Egloffstein
- Other authors of the ICP
Current info sheet 11/2020:
Books published by ICP Bauen und Umwelt
To order in bookshops or from:
ICP Eigenverlag Bauen und Umwelt, Auf der Breit 11, D-76227 Karlsruhe, Tel. +49 (0)721 94477-10,
Table of contents of the respective seminar volume can be downloaded as pdf by clicking on the title.
Volume 41
Egloffstein, Burkhardt & Schumacher (eds.): Contaminated sites 2022 - Learning from contaminated sites and cases of damage - from remediation to preventive soil and groundwater protection. ISBN 978-3-939662-30-3.
Volume 40:
Egloffstein & Burkhardt (eds.): Landfill and contaminated sites 2021 - Planning and construction of new landfills: Landscaping instead of landfills - Free disposal of mineral nuclear power plant waste - Disposal of construction waste containing asbestos - Climate protection measures on landfills - Underground landfills. Thomas Egloffstein, Gerd Burkhardt (ed.) and 30 co-authors. 217 pages, ICP Eigenverlag Bauen und Umwelt, October 2021, Karlsruhe, ISBN 978-3-939662-29-7.
Volume 39
Egloffstein, Burkhardt & Schumacher (eds.): Contaminated sites 2021 - Learning from contaminated sites and cases of damage - from remediation to preventive soil and groundwater protection. ISBN 978-3-939662-28-0.
Volume 38:
Egloffstein & Burkhardt (eds.): Landfill and contaminated sites 2020 - Karlsruher Allerlei against the Corona Crisis. Contributions to the seminar on 14 and 15 October 2020. Thomas Egloffstein, Gerd Burkhardt (ed.) and 36 co-/co-authors. Volume 38, 274 pages, ICP Eigenverlag Bauen und Umwelt, October 2020, Karlsruhe, ISBN 978-3-939662-27-3.
Volume 37
Egloffstein, Burkhardt & Schumacher (eds.): Contaminated sites 2020 - Learning from contaminated sites and cases of damage - from remediation to preventive soil and groundwater protection. ISBN 978-3-939662-26-6.
Volume 36:
Egloffstein & Burkhardt (eds.): Landfill and contaminated sites 2019 - News from politics and practice, landfill on landfill, creation of new landfill space, approval processes, landfill deconstruction.
ISBN 978-3-939662-25-9.
Volume 35
Egloffstein & Burkhardt (eds.): Contaminated sites 2019 - Learning from contaminated sites and cases of damage - from remediation to preventive soil and groundwater protection. ISBN 978-3-939662-24-2.
Volume 34:
Egloffstein & Burkhardt (eds.): Landfill and Contaminated Sites Seminar 2018 - Creation of new landfill space, landfill on landfill, landfill deconstruction, dealing with nature and species protection.
Thomas Egloffstein, Gerd Burkhardt (ed.) and 24 co-authors, ICP Eigenverlag Bauen und Umwelt, vol. 34, 280 pages, ISBN 978-3-939662-23-5
Volume 33:
Egloffstein & Burkhardt (eds.): Legacy 2018 - Learning from contaminated sites and cases of damage - from remediation to preventive soil and groundwater protection.
Thomas Egloffstein, Gerd Burkhardt (ed.) and 26 co-authors, ICP Eigenverlag Bauen und Umwelt, vol. 33, 198 pages, ISBN 978-3-939662-22-8
Volume 32:
Egloffstein & Burkhardt (eds.): Landfill and Contaminated Sites Seminar 2017 - Creation of new landfill space, landfill on landfill, landfill deconstruction, dealing with nature and species protection.
Thomas Egloffstein, Gerd Burkhardt (ed.) and 24 co-authors, ICP Eigenverlag Bauen und Umwelt, Volume 32, 300 pages, ISBN 978-3-939662-21-1
Volume 31:
Egloffstein & Burkhardt (eds.): Contaminated sites 2017 - Learning from contaminated sites - from remediation to preventive soil and groundwater protection.
Thomas Egloffstein, Gerd Burkhardt (ed.) and 24 co-authors, ICP Eigenverlag Bauen und Umwelt, vol. 31, 176 pages, ISBN 978-3-939662-20-4
Volume 30:
Egloffstein & Burkhardt (eds.): Landfill and Contaminated Sites Seminar 2016 - Planning and construction of new landfills: Future landfill capacities / possible effects of the Mantelverordnung - practical handling of federal quality standards (BQS). ISBN 978-3-939662-19-8
Volume 29:
Egloffstein & Burkhardt (eds.): Contaminated sites 2016 - Learning from contaminated sites - from remediation to preventive soil and groundwater protection, ICP Eigenverlag Bauen und Umwelt, Volume 27, 176 pages, ISBN 978-3-939662-18-1
Volume 28:
Egloffstein & Burkhardt (eds.): Landfill and Contaminated Sites Seminar 2015 - Planning and construction of new landfills: From climate protection measures for old landfills to the need for new landfills for low-level mineral waste - state of affairs and current developments in the landfill sector. ICP Eigenverlag Bauen und Umwelt, Vol. 28, October 2015, Karlsruhe. ISBN 978-3-939662-17-4
Volume 27:
Egloffstein & Burkhardt (eds.): Legacy 2015: Learning from contaminated sites - from remediation to preventive soil and groundwater protection. ICP Eigenverlag Bauen und Umwelt, Vol. 27, June 2015, Karlsruhe. ISBN 978-3-939662-16-7
Volume 26:
Egloffstein & Burkhardt (eds.): Landfill and Contaminated Sites Seminar 2014 - Planning and construction of new landfills: Are disposal bottlenecks threatening landfills in Germany? - Scarce landfill capacities for low-level mineral waste (DK0 / DK I). ICP Eigenverlag Bauen und Umwelt, Vol. 26, October 2014, Karlsruhe. ISBN 978-3-939662-15-0
Volume 25:
Egloffstein & Burkhardt (eds.): Contaminated sites 2014: Old and new hazards in contaminated site management - From remediation to precautionary soil and groundwater protection. ICP Eigenverlag Bauen und Umwelt, Vol. 25, June 2014, Karlsruhe.ISBN 978-3-939662-14-3
Volume 24:
Egloffstein & Burkhardt (eds.): Landfill and Contaminated Sites Seminar 2013The goal of high recycling rates at any price? - The safe landfill as a pollutant sink in the circular economy. ICP Eigenverlag Bauen und Umwelt, Vol. 24, October 2013, Karlsruhe, ISBN 978-3-939662-13-6.
Volume 23:
Egloffstein & Burkhardt (eds.): Landfills and contaminated sites 2012: Erstes dt. AbfG Abfallbeseitigungsgesetz 1972 - Neues Kreislaufwirtschaftsgesetz 2012 - Die zukünftige Rolle der Deponie in der Kreislaufwirtschaft. ICP Eigenverlag Bauen und Umwelt, Vol. 23, October 2012, Karlsruhe, ISBN 978-3-939662-12-9.
Volume 22:
Egloffstein & Burkhardt (eds.): Contaminated sites 2012Learning from contaminated sites, preventive concepts for the avoidance of new burdens - From the remediation of contaminated sites to preventive soil and groundwater protection, ICP Eigenverlag Bauen und Umwelt, Vol. 22, June 2012, Karlsruhe, ISBN 978-3-939662-11-2.
Volume 21:
Egloffstein & Burkhardt (eds.): Landfills and contaminated sites 2011Praktische Erfahrungen im Vollzug der neuen Deponieverord-nung, ICP Eigenverlag Bauen und Umwelt, Vol. 21, October 2011, Karlsruhe, ISBN 978-3-939662-10-5.
Volume 20:
Egloffstein & Burkhardt; (eds.): Legacy 2011: Soil and groundwater protection in the context of the circular economy - the environmentally sound recycling of waste. ICP Eigenverlag Bauen und Umwelt, Vol. 20, 246 pages, June 2011, Karlsruhe, ISBN 978-3-939662-09-.
Volume 19:
Egloffstein & Burkhardt (eds.): Landfills and contaminated sites 2010: Die Umsetzung der neuen Deponieverordnung - praktische Erfahrungen im Vollzug und erste Änderungsverordnung zur neuen DepV, ICP Eigenverlag Bauen und Umwelt, Vol. 19, October 2010, 279 pages, Karlsruhe, ISBN 978-3-939662-08-2.
Volume 18:
Egloffstein & Burkhardt (eds.): Contaminated sites 2010: Active and passive groundwater remediation - innovative methods / MNA | Groundwater / Substitute Building Materials Ordinance (current drafts) Precautionary groundwater protection versus recycling and recovery? ICP Eigenverlag Bauen und Umwelt, Volume 18, June 2010, 259 pages, ISBN 978-3-939662-07-5.
Volume 17:
Egloffstein & Burkhardt (eds.): Deponien und Altlasten 2009: 16. Juli 2009 - Inkrafttreten der neuen Deponieverordnung. Effects on existing and future landfills in Germany. ICP Eigenverlag Bauen und Umwelt, Vol. 17, October 2009, 218 pages, Karlsruhe, ISBN 978-3-939662-06-8.
Volume 16:
Egloffstein & Burkhardt (eds.): Altlasten 2009. 10 Jahre BBodSchV in Deutschland - Auswirkungen auf die Altlastenbewertung. Spannungsfeld zwischen Gefahrenabwehr, Verhältnismäßigkeit und Investorenziel Altlastenfreiheit, ICP Eigenverlag Bauen und Umwelt, Vol. 16, 218 pages, 2009, ISBN 978-3-939662-05-1.
Conference Proceedings of the 3rd Urbach Status Seminar - Landfill Drainage Systems. Strategies for maintenance and rehabilitation. ICP Ingenieurgesellschaft Prof. Czurda und Partner, Urbach office, Auerbachhalle on 02 April 2009. DIN A4 bound. Available from ICP's own publishing house Bauen und Umwelt for a nominal charge of 10 EUR plus postage.
Volume 15:
Egloffstein & Burkhardt (eds.): Deponien und Altlasten 2008: Sanierung, Nachsorge und Folgeutzung von Deponien. The new ordinance on the simplification of landfill law - current status of discussion and implementation. Karlsruhe, 2008, Vol. 15, 212 pages, ISBN 978-3-939662-04-4
Volume 14:
Egloffstein & Burkhardt (eds.): Altlasten 2008: Due Diligence bei der Grundstücks- und Immobilienbewertung - Risiken durch Altlasten und Gebäudeschadstoffe beim Bauen im Bestand. Karlsruhe, 2008, 220 pages, ISBN 978-3-939662-03-7
Volume 13:
Egloffstein & Burkhardt (Eds.): Deponien und Altlasten 2007 Die integrierte Deponieverordnung - Endgültige Abkehr von der Regel-Oberflächenabdichtung hin zur Systemwirksamkeit? What are the requirements for the effectiveness and long-term durability of surface sealing? Karlsruhe, 2007, 248 pages, ISBN 978-3-939662-01-3.
Volume 12:
Egloffstein, Burkhardt, Czurda (eds.): Altlasten 2007: Due Diligence bei der Veräußerung von Liegenschaften - Erkennen und Bewerten Risiken durch Altlasten und Gebäudeschadstoffe - Umweltrelevante, technische, wirtschaftliche und rechtliche Aspekte, Karlsruhe, 2007, 164 pages, ISBN 978-3-939662-00-6.
Volume 11:
Egloffstein, Burkhardt, Czurda (eds.): Altlasten 2006 - Grundwasserschäden - Ursachen, Auswirkungen, aktive und passive Sanierungs- und Sicherungsverfahren, Natual Attenuation. Karlsruhe, 2006, ISBN 3-9806840-9-1
Volume 10:
Egloffstein, Burkhardt, Czurda (eds.): Altlasten 2005 - Trends und neue Entwicklungen in der Altlastenbearbeitung - Monitored Natural Attenuation als Beispiel für den zukünftigen Umgang mit Altlasten? Karlsruhe, 2005, ISBN 3-9806840-7-5
Volume 9: Xiang, Czurda, Hötzl (eds.): New Advances on contaminated sites and waste disposal
Wuhan, China 2004, ISBN 3-9806840-8-3
Volume 8: Renewable Energies in Hungary, Language: Hungarian, Budapeste, 2004, 225 pp.
Volume 7: Egloffstein, Burkhardt, Czurda (eds.): Contaminated Sites 2004 - Five Years of the Federal Soil Protection and Contaminated Sites Ordinance in Germany Model for Europe ?, Karlsruhe, 2004, ISBN 3-9806840-6-7
Volume 6: Burkhardt, Egloffstein, Czurda (eds.): Altlasten 2003 - Altlastensanierung im Spannungsfeld zwischen Ökologie und Ökonomie, Karlsruhe, 2003,ISBN 3-9806840-5-9
Volume 5: Burkhardt, Egloffstein, Czurda (eds.): Altlasten 2002 - Brachflächenrecycling, Karlsruhe, 2002, ISBN 3-9806840-4-0
Volume 4: Burkhardt, Egloffstein, Czurda (eds.): Altlasten 2001 - Neue Verfahren zur Sicherung und Sanierung, Karlsruhe, 2001,ISBN 3-9806840-3-2
Volume 3: Egloffstein, Thomas: The influence of ion exchange on the sealing effect of bentonite mats in surface sealing of landfills, Karlsruhe, 2000,ISBN 3-9806840-1-6
Volume 2: Burkhardt, Egloffstein, Czurda (eds.): Altlasten 2000 - Neue Verfahren zur Sicherung und Sanierung, Karlsruhe, 2000,ISBN 3-9806840-1-8
Volume 1: Egloffstein, Burkhardt, Görg (eds.):
Abfallverwertung oderAbfallbeseitigung - Die Umsetzung des Kreislaufwirtschafts-/ Abfallgesetzes in der Praxis, Karlsruhe, 1999,ISBN 3-9806840-0-8
Published by Erich Schmidt Verlag, Berlin in the series Waste Management in Research and Practice
Volume 140:
Egloffstein, Burkhardt, Czurda (eds.):
Closure and recultivation of landfills and contaminated sites 2006. The implementation of the Waste Dumping Ordinance/TA Municipal Waste and the Landfill Recycling Ordinance - state of affairs, trends and recent developments.
Volume 135:
Egloffstein, Burkhardt, Czurda (eds.):
Closure and recultivation of landfills and contaminated sites 2005. Closure and recultivation of landfills and contaminated sites. Effects of the Landfill Utilisation Ordinance - The future of landfill in the waste / circular economy - Effectiveness of sealing and recultivation layers - Monitoring and rehabilitation of landfill drainage systems.
Volume 132:
Egloffstein, Burkhardt, Czurda (eds.):
Closure and recultivation of landfills and contaminated sites 2004. The implementation of the AbfAblV and the DepV in practice - What innovations does the Landfill Reutilisation Ordinance bring? - How is the EU Landfill Directive implemented in other countries? - Circular economy without landfills from 2020? Karlsruhe, 2004
ISBN 3 503 08323 5
Volume 128:
Egloffstein, Burkhardt, Czurda (eds.):
Closure and recultivation of landfills and contaminated sites 2003, The implementation of the AbfAblV and the DepV in practice - The § 14 para. 6 DepV: exception or rule? - The "Guide to Landfill Closure": Help for self-help for operators of old landfills? Karlsruhe, 2003
ISBN 3 503 07485 6
Volume 125:
Egloffstein, Burkhardt, Czurda (eds.):
Surface sealing of landfills and contaminated sites 2002, Effects of the AbfAblV and the DepV on operators, authorities, planners, manufacturers and the construction industry, Karlsurhe, 2002.
ISBN 3 503 07012 5
Volume 122:
Egloffstein, Burkhardt, Czurda (eds.):
Surface sealing of landfills and contaminated sites 2001, New findings from science and practice - Innovation through the Waste Disposal and Landfill Ordinance, Karlsurhe, 2001.
ISBN 3 503 06075 8
Volume 119:
Egloffstein, Burkhardt, Czurda (eds.):
Surface sealing of landfills and contaminated sites 2000, Ökonomie contra Ökologie - sind Oberflächenabdichtungen noch zeitgemäß? - Waste (pre)treatment: an alternative to surface sealing?, Berlin 2000
ISBN 3 503 05951 2
Volume 116:
Egloffstein, Burkhardt, Czurda (eds.):
Oberflächen von Deponien und Altlasten '99, Zeitgemäße Oberflächen-abdichtungssysteme - ist die Regelabdichtung nach TASi noch zeitgemäß? Berlin, 1999
ISBN 3 503 05819 2
Volume 109:
Egloffstein, Burkhardt, Burkhardt (eds.):
Surfaces of Landfills and Contaminated Sites '98, Effective and Cost-Effective Systems - Residual Materials as Alternative Sealing Materials? Berlin, 1998
ISBN 3 503 05059 0
Volume 103:
Egloffstein, Burkhardt (ed.):
Surfaces of landfills and contaminated sites, Planning - Construction - Costs, Berlin, 1997
ISBN 3 503 04351 9
Published by expert Verlag
Volume 488:
Burkhardt, Egloffstein (ed.):
Aspahltdichtungen im Deponiebau - Eine Standortbestimmung, Renningen, 1995
ISBN 3-8169-1296-6
Volume 481:
Burkhardt, Egloffstein (ed.):
Landfill Drainage Systems II - Construction, Operation, Damage and Remediation Methods, Renningen, 1996
ISBN 3-8169-1386-5
Volume 481:
Burkhardt, Egloffstein (ed.):
Landfill drainage systems - planning, construction, operation, damage and remediation procedures, Renningen, 1995
ISBN 3-8169-1258-3
Published in the Schriftenreihe der Angewandten Geologie Karlsruhe (AGK),
Chair of Applied Geology at the University of Karlsruhe (TH)
Volume 54:
Czurda, Szabó (eds.):
Waste Disposal and Remediation of Contaminated Sites, Karlsruhe 1998
ISSN 0933-2510
Volume 45:
Czurda, Stief (eds.):
Surface sealing or surface covering? Rules and regulations or alternative systems?, Karlsruhe 1996
ISSN 0933-2510
Volume 44:
Czurda, Szabó (eds.):
The multi-barrier concept in landfill technology, Karlsruhe 1996
ISSN 0933-2510
Volume 41:
Burkhardt, Egloffstein (ed.):
Alternative sealing materials in landfill construction and in securing contaminated sites - Innovative, cost-effective and equivalent solutions, Karlsruhe 1996
ISSN 0933-2510
Volume 37:
Egloffstein, Burkhardt (ed.):
Surface sealing systems for landfills and contaminated sites - sealing or covering?, Karlsruhe 1995
ISSN 0933-2510
Volume 35:
Czurda, Oeltzschner (eds.):
Landfill sites with risk factors - Equivalence of sealing systems for rehabilitation and system improvement, Karlsruhe 1995
ISSN 0933-2510
Volume 34:
Egloffstein, Burkhardt (ed.):
Surface sealing systems for landfills and contaminated sites, Karlsruhe 1994
ISSN 0933-2510
Volume 30:
Burkhardt, Egloffstein (ed.):
Alternative sealing materials in landfill construction and in the protection of contaminated sites, Karlsruhe1994
ISSN 0933-2510